It is known that during M’Maoulek’s Wars, a colony of Keshdumah was established in the hill country north of the Darjevka Mountains.
Historians have documented the northern advance of the Keshdumah, conquering and colonizing the lands of the Kingdom of D’Mak. Originally the word Dumah ( a corruption of the word D’mak), described all of the lands conquered by the Keshdumah. In time, it also became the name of the City of Dumah, the first city organized by the Keshdumah and of the lands controlled by that city.
As the conflict stretched on for centuries, the Keshdumah became restless under M’Maoulek’s control. Among the warrior class, a certain weariness with M’Maoulek’s endless crusade set in. The ordinary folk and the leaders too, wished to enjoy the fruits of the vast and sparsely settled lands they had conquered – fertile lands enough to feed a thousand times its population. For the Keshdumah, the time to build had come and the time for destruction was ending.
The governors of the cities of Dumah, Tervela and Kyla met and declared their lands to be their own. Most of the lowland towns joined the Great Revolt and in time the forces loyal to M’Maoulek were forced back to the lands at the foot of the Darjevka Mountains. Thus the United Councilate States came into existence.
Today, ten states comprise the federation of the United Councilate States.
Largest and oldest is Dumah Councilate.
Kyla Councilate, Great Road Councilate, and Banakur South Councilate are the frontline states of the western frontier.
Tervela Councilate and Makesea Councilate stretch along the shoreline of the Eastern Sea.
Dunafolda Central Councilate is to the north, along the Dunafolda River, between Kyla to the west and Tervela to the east.
Of the rest, Highlands Councilate is to the northwest, between Dumah and Kyla; Southwest Frontier Councilate, as its name suggests, is in the south, between Banakur South and Dumah; Between the Woods Councilate is in the south, snug up against the Southern Marches and bookended by the Mukanakur Forest and the Namrasakur Forest.