New Kickstarter!
Indicted: A Prisoner's dilemma
*Totally not inspired by real events, a card game of political corruption, deal-making and subverting justice.
The Story
The President has just been indicted for crimes against the country and one of you is the Prosecutor, tasked with collecting enough evidence before the trial to put him and his cronies behind bars. Unfortunately for you, the only way to get some of this key evidence is to make deals with his co-conspirators who only want probation.
The rest of you are those co-conspirators and you need to decide who you will hitch your wagon to. Will you stay loyal to the President and obstruct justice or will you squeal to the Prosecutor to save your own behind? Or maybe a little bit of both?
This game is built around the Prisoner’s Dilemma, where if everyone cooperates, the Prosecutor will win and most of you will go to federal prison. If no one cooperates, the Prosecutor will lose and a few of the President’s favorites will get off with probation. How much do you trust your co-conspirators?
Who We Are...
Stonegate Forge was formed as a way to create fun, innovative games that have been floating around in our heads for a long time... and to keep a connection within our family since we live on both coasts and in the Midwest. All of us have been playing games since we could talk and going to gaming conventions since we could walk.
More about the family here.
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Games to play while you are staying at home to keep everyone safe
We are a home-based family business, and we want to make it easier for you to keep your family entertained during this time. Many of us struggle to find things to do with all of our family members at home.
Please take 15% off any purchase through the end of April 2020.
Use AtHome for coupon code at checkout.
Happy Gaming!
Shatterlands Extension released at Fall-In 2018
We are very excited to announce the release of the Shatterlands Expansion Pack on November 8 at HMGS Fall-In.

In Picnic Panic, command a tribe of warrior ants fighting other tribes for control of a stash of candy that has fallen on the ground. The game is easy to learn and quick to play. Best of all, you get to eat the candy that you capture!

Shatterlands is a black powder skirmish game set in the Banakur Forest in the world of Atelon. It uses scratch-off character cards and a unique colored dice system to resolve combat.