Jerhez Working

Jerhez – JER hez is one of the Gornarod workings located in the northern part of the Schodni Mountains. It is the northernmost of the workings and occupies the Slina Zerni, a wide upland plateau cut by the Dro Brissa River, and also the eastern arm of the Schodni highlands known as the Kenor Morsk.

Jerhez is average in size among the Schodni Workings. The uplands here are gentle hill country, descending gradually to lower elevations on the east and more dramatically on the west.  Mt. Zatow, with an elevation of 842 m. dominates the northern point of the Morsk and affords a view of the Brissa Gap and the Brissa valley.  The Banakur Forest reaches to the eastern part of Jerhez but thins within a few dozen kilometers into isolated stands and woodlots.  Mt. Limat, with an elevation of 1073 m., marks the southern boundary of Jerhez. The western boundary of Jerhez extends across the upper Dro Brissa valley to the base of Mt. Tiszar, elevation 1273 m.

Approximately 10% of the Working is farmland and the rest is upland pasture and hills, supporting a population of 527,000 inhabitants. Like most of the workings, the largest number of inhabitants live in villages or on farmsteads and support themselves with herding, dairying, or growing grains and vegetables. The Jerhez MetelCentre and five local werks scattered around the Working employ 3600 metal workers.

in addition to the Jerhez MetelCentre, Jerhez Working has five small werks towns and another five towns that provide commercial services to a local area or that are local stops on the Gornarod Track.

The Jerhez MetelCentre (population 21,102) sits astride the Gornarod Track at the base of the Kenor Morsk.  It is the main commercial city of the Northern Schodni Workings and the last major stop for travelers headed north to the City of Korslik and to the Gornarod workings in the Polonoc Mountains.

Jana (population 2486) sits on the Upper Dro Brissa valley and has a commercial relationship with the southern part of the Korslik March.

Gorci (population 2683) is 310 km north of Jerhez, on the Gornarod Track and is the last town before the City of Korslik.

Jerhez maintains responsibility for the fortified Travelers’ Stations along the Gornarod Track from Mt. Zatow to the City of Zame Binhanor and supports those posts from its major military camp on Mt. Zatow. It also has a string of posts along the Banakur Forest fringe to intercept Wild L’npei raiders.  Jerhez also maintains a border post in the south, where the Gornarod Track makes a turn to the south as it rounds Mt. Limat.

Long-time gamer, amateur cartographer, living in a world of my own making.

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