Gornarod Track

The Gornarod Track is the principal road in the Schodni Mountains, from the Gostivar Working in the far western part of the Darjevka Mountains to the City of Korslik in the Brissa Gap. a distance of 3341 km. 

From Gostivar MetelCentre, the road drops down into the narrow Lower Guer River valley, just west of where it is joined by the Modranie River. The river crossing is a well built stone bridge. Gostivar Working maintains a fortified strongpoint at the  bridge for protection against marauding L'npei. Although the valley crossing can be made in one long day, travelers often take the hospitality of the garrison to break the trip across the valley into two days.

The road climbs back into the highlands and follows the narrow plateau that skirts the western shoulder of Mt. Runik until the land opens up into the broad Gat Zerni, a plateau  that contains the rich lands controlled by the Prilep Working. From the Prilep MetelCentre, the road heads back east, through the Nymek Pass and down into the Sonse River valley. It follows the valley all the way to the Vezranin MetelCentre, where it climbs back into the highlands. Unlike the Modranie Valley, the Sonse Valley is deep within Gornarod territory, too far for L'npei to venture.

Just over the ridgeline to the north of Vezranin, the road drops back into the Upper Guer River valley along an arm of the valley formed by the Ogni River, a tributary of the Guer. It follows the Ogni until it joins with the Guer and then continues up the west bank of the Guer to the top of the valley, where it exits back up into the highlands and continues on to Holsovic MetelCentre.

From Holsovic, the road follows the central plateau all the way to Jerhez MetelCentre. Leaving Jerhez, the road follows the western side of the Kenor Morsk to the base of Mt. Zatow, a distance of 436 km.  At Mt. Zatow, the road turns west and descends into the Brissa Gap and on to the City of Korslik

Jerhez Working maintains responsibility for the fortified travelers’ stations along the Gornarod Track from Mt. Zatow to Zame Binhanor and supports those posts from its major military camp on Mt. Zatow. 


  • Gostivar to Prilep – 841 km
  • Prilep to Vezranin – 565 km
  • Vezranin to Holsovic – 892 km
  • Holsovic to Jerhez – 507 km
  • Jerhez to Korslik – 536 km

Long-time gamer, amateur cartographer, living in a world of my own making.

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